Sunday, November 16, 2014

Poland - History: What's up with the Polish Youths Loving Hitler and Nazis?

"More than half of Polish youth visit anti-Semitic websites that glorify Hitler and the Nazi era, according to a new poll that has renewed debate about laws governing hate speech and stoked the concerns of Poland’s dwindling Jewish population."1


 I was on the verge of abandoning work on the Nazi Blitzkrieg against Poland, the event that sparked the outbreak of World War II. Very close. Then I saw a series of news advisories on Hitler from Google News.  I was blown away when the headline spelled out that Polish teens love Hitler and the Nazis.


These young people in Poland are revering a movement that cost the lives of millions of Poles between 1939 and 1945.  I'm not even talking about Polish Jews here.  I'm talking about Gentile Poles who were slaughtered by the Nazi Germans by the millions. The Jews in Poland slaughtered by the Nazis are to be discussed in a separate treatise called the Holocaust.

What was the attitude of Nazis toward Poles, both Gentile Poles and Jewish Poles?

"The terms Polonophobia, anti-Polonism, antipolonism and anti-Polish sentiment refer to a spectrum of hostile attitudes toward Polish people and culture. These terms apply to racial prejudice against Poles and people of Polish descent, including ethnicity-based discrimination and state-sponsored mistreatment of ethnic Poles and Polish citizens.[1]" 2


"In inter-war Germany, anti-Polish feelings ran high.[40] The American historian Gerhard Weinberg observed that for many Germans in the Weimar Republic, Poland was an abomination, whose people were seen as "an East European species of cockroach".[40] Poland was usually described as a Saisonstaat (a state for a season." 3


It's understandable that many of you who read this article question the validity of a source such as Wikipedia so consulting other documents is in order to validate the claims of this treatise.

To you, is submitted the Black Book of Poland, a respected reference that was published in 1948.  This is no Wikipedia, if anything, Wikipedia would have cited it as a source. Please read the following for a true grasp of what mentality the Germans had of the Poles.

"The chief German administrator at L6dz, Herr Ubelhor, former mayor of the city of Mannheim in Southern .Germany, made a speech typical of this attitude on November 1 1, 1939, that is to say, on the day which the Poles celebrate as the anniversary of the recovery of independence. He said inter alia: "We are masters, as masters we must behave. The Pole is a servant (Knecht) and must only serve ... we must inject a dose of iron into our spinal columns and never admit the idea that Poland may ever rise again. ... Be hard." Further on in his speech, which was published in the local official German Lodzer Zeitung (now called the Litzmannstddter Zeitung), Herr Ubelhor announced that the Kokiuszko monu- ment at Lodi had been destroyed as a sign that: "Poland will never return here." The same Herr Ubelhor, in a broadcast speech of December 2, 1939' repeated: 

"Every Pole is a servant (Knecht) and every Pole must blindly and unhesitatingly carry out any order given to him by a German."" 4

From what this quoted material says, the
Nazi Germans who occupied Poland made no distinction at all between Gentiles and  Jews among the Polish people.

Want more proof?  Fine. I'll provide some more of that.

"A Goebbels Circular 


It is very instructive to read the confidential circular issued in 
January, 1940, by the propaganda service of the Third Reich, 
Kleiner Presse-Informatiotis-Dienst, and containing instructions 
for the German newspapers. It was exposed in March, 1940, by the 
Polish Ministry of Information in Paris, 

This circular proves the extent to which the German Press 
is controlled, even in its smallest details, by the authorities of the 
Reich. It also reveals the methods employed by German propa- 
ganda with reference to Poland. It insists on the suppression of all 
mention of news which might instruct public opinion; and above 
all of news concerning the expulsion of the Poles from their 
ancient territory and the pillage of their homes. The circular also 
throws an instructive light on the method by which hatred of the 
Polish nation is cultivated. 

Here are some important extracts from this secret circular:" 5 
5.  Ibid, pg. 433.
"Similarly it must be suggested to the reader that 
gypsies, Jews and Poles ought to be treated on the same 
level. This is the more important since there is no doubt that 
for a long time we shall be obliged to employ Poles as agricul- 
tural labourers in Germany. It is therefore desirable to build 
up a defensive front in the heart of the German nation. 

"Further, in drawing up news items, the principle must 
be adopted that everything representing civilization and 
economic life in the Polish territory is of German origin."6 
6. Ibid, pg 434-35. 

It seems to me quite self-denigrating for a people to slobber and worship anyone else who looks on one with such utter contempt.

I don't know about you, but I find it repugnant and repulsive to admire anyone who looks upon me as a lower form of humanity. It makes me want to puke to see or learn of someone who came to my country and subject them to such contempt, humiliation, and murder.

They, the Nazis, raped countless Polish women when they took the country. Want some evidence.  I can provide some.  See below:

"Yet the most monstrous crime committed by the Germans on Polish women is 
the wholesale arrest of young Polish girls and women to be violated by Germans. 
During the war operations and the early months of the occupation, there were 
numerous cases of women being raped by German soldiers, cases which will 
remain forever unpunished. The German soldiers themselves have told witnesses,
known to us, of incidents in which women were imprisoned, violated, and finally 
assassinated with a sadism that horrified even those who told of these crimes." 7 

7. Ibid, pg 105

I can provide individual cases if you insist but I don't think you have the stomach to handle something this nasty.  I doubt I would with any ease at all. 

So I'll stop here.

If those of you who want to continue admire the Nazis, go ahead and do so. I don't admire anyone who goes to another person's country and abuses the people there. There is nothing to admire there. 

I wrote this article out of a sense of repudiation for such self denigration. These young people have no idea what they admire. Strength? Where is the strength there. I find none.


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